West Hansen Kayak Portrait Next to Car

West Hansen / Arctic Cowboys Style Guide

Are you in the Guinness Book of World Records? No. Guinness is a great beer, but not so great at reporting world records. There is a difference between a “world record” and a “Guinness record”. [...]

Mark Agnew copy Credit Ben Duffy

Mark Agnew

Jimmy Harvey is a born and raised Austinite and still lives in the heart of Texas’ capital city. Jimmy spent his youth and most of his adult live exploring the wilderness.

Eileen Visser

About Eileen Visser

Jimmy Harvey is a born and raised Austinite and still lives in the heart of Texas’ capital city. Jimmy spent his youth and most of his adult live exploring the wilderness.

The Arctic Cowboys Northwest Passage - Button Point - Epic Kayak

Northwest Passage Gallery

Baffin Bay - the body of water/ocean that marks the eastern border of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, through which the NWP traverses via various routes. Button Point - southeastern- most [...]

Titus Char Fish Arctic Cowboys

Still Waiting…

Unfortunately, the weather will be unfavorable to launch in the next day or so. Headwinds up to 20 miles per hour are expected, bringing some discussion on whether to wait until the winds pass. [...]

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