The Arctic Cowboys have enjoyed their time in Arctic Bay, Canada but are certainly ready to be headed home. They have secured flights out on Friday but will be hoping to fly stand-by tomorrow (Wednesday). Flights via Canadian North are limited to only 1 flight a day (none on Saturday and 2 on Thursday). Several notices have been received from Canadian North regarding flights being cancelled due to fuel shortages. Fingers crossed the boys are able to fly standby.
While in Arctic Bay, they have been hosted by Mark Lewandoski. If you recall, Mark is from South Canada and lived in Houston, Tx for a couple of years.
West and Jeff have commented, on multiple occasions, Mark is trying to fatten them up.
He prepares three (3) full meals a day including homemade desserts. Took them out for a day of sight-seeing early on. The rest of the days have been spent packing gear for storage, getting kayaks stored and taking naps.
I found this picture of West and Jeff on Facebook taken by Niore Iqalukjuak. I love that the locals are finding humor in our guys. West says, “We’re quite the spectacle. Locals eat maktaq and seal from a piece of cardboard spread on the floor. So they thought it was funny referring to the boxes we’re collecting as “fine China”.

Once back in Austin, Tx, hopefully by Thursday night, they will meet for a debriefing with other members of the Arctic Cowboys team, including Rebekah Feaster. They will share what the plan will be going forward, using the contacts and information they received while waiting for a flight out.
–Barbara Edington