The 2026 Northwest Passage Kayak Expedition

WHAT: We are going to kayak in reverse the expedition we completed in 2023; whereupon, we completed the first-ever human-powered navigation of the entire Northwest Passage.

Led by West Hansen and Jeff Wueste, the team of 8 – 10 tandem kayakers will depart near Tuktoyaktuk, NWT as soon as the ice breaks and head east through the Northwest Passage and end near Mittimatalik (Pond Inlet) at Baffin Bay. The approximately 1800-mile expedition will be self-supported with resupply stops at towns throughout the first half of the route.

The western approach has been attempted several times by rowers and kayakers; however, no one has successfully completed the entire Northwest Passage from this direction

REQUIREMENTS: Potential team mates will need to show, via tracking apps, an ability to kayak 40-miles in a 10 to 12-hour period in open water on several outings, i.e. not just a single example, either in a tandem sea kayak, with the partner their bringing on the expedition, or a solo sea kayak. This requirement can be substituted with a resume that includes well-documented open ocean multi-day expeditions with timelines. Those with little or no experience are welcome and should to start a training program in order to assure they can meet the basic kayaking requirements for the expedition. Team members consistently unable to maintain the team pace will be dismissed at the next settlement. If at all possible, we’d welcome interested team mates to come to Texas for some one-on-one training. Swinging a double-blade (aka: kayak) paddle for 1800-miles isn’t as simple as it looks.

A strong sense of humor and ability to get along in difficult conditions is essential. People with medical conditions exacerbated by c0ld temperatures should not apply.

This is not a catered event. Everyone is expected to work and contribute towards the team effort.

INCLUDED: tandem sea kayaks, tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, stoves, food, water dromedaries, drysuits, underlayers, kayak footwear, skirts/pogies, paddles, camp gear, charts, VHF radios, rescue/evac insurance coverage, Starlink (limited), personal emergency locator beacons, PFD’s, gps units, drybags, camping permits, firearms (and permits), bear alarms, shipping, flare guns, first aid kits, pee-bottles, repair material, water bottles, biodegradable personal hygiene wipes, charger bricks, wind-powered chargers and mess kits. This is not a complete list, so please feel free to question additional items.

Dietary preferences can be taken into account and accommodated on an individual basis with plenty of notice.

NOT INCLUDED: camp clothing (a list will be provided), travel to Inuvik and from Mittimatalik or other town of departure from the expedition, hotel rooms, meals during town visits, travel within towns, personal sat phones, personal hygiene items. A list of recommended clothing and other optional items will be provided.

COST: $23,000.00 US with half ($11,500.00 US) due by the end of September 2025. Team members who just want to complete a portion of the route are welcome; however, the cost will be the same, due to shipping, gear, etc…

Progress can and will be sporadic, throughout the entire expedition, with many days spent on the shore awaiting optimal and safe kayaking conditions. Safety is the priority for the team and unsafe behaviors will be cause for dismissal, as will any behaviors detrimental to individual team members or the milieu of the group.

Firearms will be provided and each member will be required to complete a firearms registration certificate with the Canadian government and adhere to all laws and regulations with priority given to Nunavut government and the Inuit authority over their sovereign territory. Each member will be given instruction on firearms safety and use prior to launch.

The completion of this expedition is not guaranteed. Variables depending on many factors, known and unknown. Some of the known factors include the presence of fast ice and sea ice, weather conditions, layover (zero progress) days and team/individual issues. Refunds are available under certain circumstances well before the launch, but not after the launch.

Please send inquires and resumes for consideration to (click on my name): West Hansen

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